Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Exciting New Link on Product Safety Page

Today I updated the Product Safety page of this blog to include the brand spankin' new cross border Global Recall Database.  This is so exciting to the world of product safety , you and me because this is the 1st ever database of its kind available to all internet  users.  So, no matter if you purchased something on vacation abroad or you were gifted something from someone overseas, you can keep up to date on if the products in your home and used by your family are on a recall list anywhere in the world that keeps track of unsafe products. The growing global nature of the way we are living dictates this necessity and I hope you find a use for this resource. Currently the database is supported by The USA, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Europe and Canada; but I suspect other countries such as South Korea and Japan won't be far behind.

Some more info from the "About Page" for the database:
Every day, new products are manufactured and sold across borders and online. Increased trade and more sophisticated designs can make it difficult to ensure that the products consumers buy are safe for them.

To help, the OECD is hosting the GlobalRecalls portal, which is the first online tool that contains regularly-updated information on consumer product recalls issued by jurisdictions around the world. Now, users can find out about product issues in other jurisdictions presented in their own language.

Consumers can use this portal to check for safety alerts about the products they intend to buy, especially when making online purchases from abroad. Businesses can improve tracking of emerging hazards from around the world which will help them to move quickly to address problems. And governments are better positioned to remove unsafe products from the market, better protecting consumers.

The portal was launched at the International Product Safety Week on 19 October 2012.

A Screen Shot of the Search Page

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